legalization of marijuana has come up in the news recently with the declaration
of Justin Trudeau. He admitted that he have smoked pot once and said that the
legalization of marijuana will be in the Liberal electoral platform[1].
What is
legalization? The possession, the use, the selling and the production become
legal. Decriminalization permits only the use.[2]
Usually, the first argument against
the legalization is that marijuana is unhealthy especially for teens. A study
says ‘’that pot-smoking interferes with the healthy development of teens’ brains
and puts them at risk for developing a dependence to the drug, as well as for
mental health problems[3].’’
17% to 32% of teens aged 12 to 18 years old use cannabis according to a Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse research[4].
In my opinion, marijuana should be legalized.
First, it can be a source of money. The government spends a lot of money in a
law that does not even work. By legalizing, this money can be used for other
things. Even more, the government can make money by selling cannabis. Jobs can
be make too for the production and it will reduce the profit of criminal
organizations. Second, if the government sells it, the quality of marijuana
will improve and the use can be regulated. Pot consumers do not know what is really
in what they buy. Criminal organisations do not really care about the health of
their clients, so they mix substances that are really strong with the cannabis.
If the government sells it, consumers will be sure of the ‘’ingredients
list’’. Furthermore, the government can
establish rules to regulate the use. They can set a minimum age like alcohol or
gaming and a cap of amount by person like in Colorado and Washington states[5].
This way, consumers will be safer. Third, the argument that says that pot is
unhealthy does not work. Alcohol is legal and it is unhealthy when consumed in
excessive quantity. Gaming is legal and it is unhealthy when it is too often.
Caffeine is legal and it is unhealthy when consumed in excessive quantity. Greasy, sweet or salty food is legal and it
is unhealthy. The cannabis is the same thing. It is unhealthy only when it is consumed
excessively like everything in life. There comes a time where people make their
own choices. The government cannot control everything. It is true that some
people are more mentally affected then others by drugs, but it is no reason
to forbid it for everyone. Fourthly, the law is completely useless. Nearly 40%
of the population have consumed at least once in their life in 2011 according
to Health Canada[6]. People
are curious and they will try it, forbidden or not. People smoke marijuana since
the 19th century in
[1] CBCNEWS. ''Trudeau's
pot 'actions speak for themselves,' Harper says''. CBC, (August 23 2013).
Online. (Source read on September 12, 2013)
[2] METRONEWS. ‘’ Cannabis : légaliser, dépénaliser, quelle différence?’’. Métro, (September 15 2012). Online.!eOcbF61RCGtRo/ (Source read on September 12, 2013)
[3] MULHOLLAND, Angela. ‘’ Pot
use presents long-term danger to teens' brains, study suggests’’. CTVNews, (August 29 2013). Online. (Source read on September 12, 2013)
ON SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Student alcohol and drug use. Ottawa, 2011. Online. (Source read on September 12, 2013)
Daniel. ‘’ Marijuana
Legalization Canada: Liberal Party Lays Out Detailed Economic Plan For Pot’’.
The Huffington Post Canada, (10/28/2013). Online. (Source read on September 12, 2013)
de surveillance canadienne de la consommation de drogues. Ottawa, 2011. Online. (Source read on September 12
SPICER, Leah. Utilisation historiques et cuturelles du cannabis et le débat sur la
marijuana au Canada. Ottawa, Parlement
du Canada, 2002. Online.
Histoire du cannabis en Amérique du Nord (Source read on September 12, 2013)
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